[材料 4人分]
牛薄切り肉 200g、ピーマン 6個、たけのこ(水煮) 80g、長ネギ 1/2本、にんにく 1かけ、A(酒 10g、しょうゆ 12g、こしょう、サラダ油 4g、片栗粉 6g)、B(塩 1g、砂糖 3g、しょうゆ 27g、酒 15g、こしょう)、サラダ油 15g、ゴマ油 4g
The stir-frying one of beef and green pepper
INGREDIENTS (4 servings)
Cow thinly sliced meat 200g, 6 green peppers, and bamboo shoots (boil in water) 80g and 1/2 scallion and garlic 1 putting, A (sake 10g, soy sauce 12g, pepper, salad oil 4g, and potato starch 6g), B (salt 1g, sugar 3g, soy sauce 27g, sake 15g, and peppers), and salad oil 15g and sesame oil 4g
1.Beef, the green pepper, and bamboo shoots are made a minute cut. The scallion is made diagonal to switch off. Garlic is crushed.
2.A is added to beef, and it mixes it by the hand.
3.It stir-fries with the low flame putting the salad oil 12g in the pan, and adding garlic.
4.Beef is stir-fried with the high heat, and taken out.
5.The salad oil 3g is put, and the green pepper, bamboo shoots, and the Welsh onion are stir-fried. Meat is put and it stir-fries further.
6.Matched B is bound, and sesame oil is put.
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