大根(1-1.5cmの角切り) / 10cm分
こんにゃく(小さめのひと口大にちぎる) / 1枚
☆だし / 100cc
☆しょうゆ / 大さじ2
☆みりん / 大さじ2
☆酒 / 大さじ1
☆砂糖 / 小さじ1
ゴマ油 / 適量
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Ingredients (2~3servings)
Radish (diced 1-1.5cm) 10cm worth
One konjac
Soup stock 100cc
Soy sauce 2 tablespoons
Mirin 2 tablespoons
Sake 1 tablespoon
Sugar 1 teaspoon
Sesame oil
1 Konjac I empty roasted in the frying pan. Surface and mix roughly put the radish Kitara a little dry.
2 Soup stock, the soy sauce, mirin, sake, a drop-lid and put the sugar.
Radish becomes soft taste I simmer over medium heat until the soak.
3 Mix and put a small amount of sesame oil to scented.
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