エリンギ / 150g(極太3本)
しし唐 / 2個
紫玉ねぎ / 1/6個
レモン / 1/4個
粒マスタード / 小さじ1
塩 / ふたつまみくらい
Ingredients (serves 2)
Eringi Mushroom 150g (3 thick)
2 sweet green pepper
1 / 6 Purple Onion
One lemon 1 / 4
1 teaspoon whole-grain mustard
Touch of salt
1 Eringi mushroom torn in half, brown on both sides with grill grill fish.
(OK in the toaster oven).
2 Thinly slice the onion.
Cut sweet green pepper in half, except for the calyx and seeds and chop into very thin.
White cotton to the portion of the lemon skin peeled, sliced very thinly.
(Limit is OK even with the juice)
3 Onions and sweet green pepper.green pepper in a bowl, add the salt mix and place for a while.
Whole-grain mustard and lemon can be added.
4 Within eringi mushroom hot baked, split.
Mix everything in the refrigerator to cool the hot crude Toretara.
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