ごぼう 1本、にんじん 1/2本、赤唐辛子 1本、サラダ油 大さじ2、ごま油 大さじ2、
A(酒 大さじ3、みりん 大さじ2、砂糖 大さじ4、醤油 大さじ4)
"Kinpira burdock"
INGREDIENTS (4 servings)
1 burdock, 1/2 carrots, 1 red red pepper, salad oil big spoon 2, big spoon 2 of sesame oil, and A (sake big spoon 3, mirin big spoon 2, sugar big spoon 4, and big spoon 4 of soy sauce)
1.The burdock and the carrot are tears of 5cm length. After it softens it applying it to water, the red chilli is slicing.
2.The salad oil and sesame oil are heated, and the red chilli is added to the pan.It stir-fries further putting the burdock in
3.2, often stir-frying, and adding the carrot.
4.A is boiled until it puts and soup is lost with stir-fry.
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