サバの水煮缶 1缶、玉ねぎ 1/2個、にんにく 1かけ、じゃがいも 3個、
にんじん 1本、赤唐辛子 3本
A(小麦粉 大さじ3、 カレー粉 大さじ3)
サラダ油 大さじ2、固形スープ 1個、塩 少々
3.水2 1/2カップと固形スープを入れ、じゃがいもとにんじんを加える
It is "Saba can curry" this time
INGREDIENTS (4 servings)
Three red red peppers a little ..A (flour big spoon 3 and big spoon 3 of curry powder).. ..salad oil big spoon 2 and one stock cube.. ..salt.. one carrot 1 [mizunikan] can, 1/2 onions of Saba, and garlic 1 putting and 3 potatoes
1.The onion and the carrot are minced. The potatoes are dividing of four. The carrot is grated.
2.The salad oil is heated, and the onion is stir-fried to the pan. Garlic and the red chilli are added when discoloring.
It often stir-fries adding A.
3.Water 2 1/2 cups and stock cubes are put, and the potato and the carrot are added.
4.When the fire passes to the potato, the Saba can of each soup is added, and it is possible ..taste.. to prepare by the salt.
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