市販の冷やしラーメン / 1袋
もやし / 1袋
レタス / 3枚
トマト / 1個
ゆで卵 / 1個
乾燥わかめ / 好きなだけ
白ごま / 好きなだけ
Ramen 1 bag of commercial cooling
1 bag bean sprouts
3 pieces lettuce
1 tomato pieces
Boiled egg
Just like dried seaweed
Just like white sesame
1 Boil bean sprouts, increase in under a minute. Received water in a bowl cut, bowl a little taken back to the hot water and dried seaweed.
2 Boil the noodles in hot water back into the pot with boiling water that had a bowl. Take 15 seconds before the display of cold water in the bag.
3 Cut the boiled eggs and lettuce and tomato while the boiled noodles, bean sprouts and seaweed will be back to take in cold water then drained.
4 Serving food as you like, over the finished soup and white sesame.
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