米 / 2合
塩鮭 / 2切れ
刻み昆布 / 1つかみ
卵 / 2個
絹さや / 2分の1パック
海苔 / 2分の1枚
酢 / 大3
砂糖 / 大3
塩 / 小1.5
Ingredients (serves 2)
Rice 300g
Lox two pieces
Grasp the tick kelp 1
2 eggs
Half pack of silk sheath
1 / 2 sheet nori
3 tablespoons vinegar
3 tablespoons sugar
1.5 teaspoon salt
1 The cooker, washing rice, put the chopped kelp, topped with salmon and cook in a little less water.
2 Pods are boiled in salt and take a silk stripe, diagonal cut to remain. Cook scrambled eggs.
3 Cook rice, remove the salmon, vinegar, sugar and salt adding cool mix. Salmon, remove bones and skin, relax the body.
4 Salmon on vinegared rice, eggs, mixed silk sheath, Sprinkle a thin cut seaweed, voila!
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