作者:Little Potager
☆絹ごし豆腐 / 100g
☆クリームチーズ / 50g
☆スキムミルク / 大さじ2
☆卵黄 / 2個分
☆レモン汁 / 1/2個分
☆コンスターチ / 大さじ2
☆はちみつ(または砂糖) / 大さじ1
★卵白 / 2個分
★砂糖 / 大さじ1
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Ingredients (4 servings)
100g silken tofu
50g cream cheese
2 tablespoons skim milk
Two yolk
1/2 lemon lemon juice
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon honey (or sugar)
Two egg whites
1 tablespoon sugar
1 Add tofu, cream cheese, skim milk, egg yolk, lemon juice, cornstarch, honey in a mixer or food processor.
Mix until smooth.
2 Make a meringue with egg whites and sugar in a bowl.
3 To 1, plus half of the meringue of 2, mix.
Do not mix the air, half crushed.
4 Pour the dough to the type of cake, 40 minutes in an oven at 180 ℃.
Cool in the refrigerator for several hours.
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