ジャガイモ / 1個
玉ねぎ / 1/2個
アサリ / 15個~20個
牛乳 / 100ml
コンスターチ / 大さじ2
水 / 大さじ2
・バター / 大さじ2
塩、こしょう / 適量
パセリ / 少々
バケッド(フランスパン) / 1/4本
オリーブオイル / 適量
白こしょう / 適量
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Ingredients (2 servings)
One potato
1/2 onion
15 to 20 individual clams
100ml milk
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons butter
Salt, pepper
1 Peel the potatoes are sliced, exposing the water.
2 Is sliced onion, coarsely chopped parsley to.
3 Cook potatoes and onion 2 to 3 cups of water into the pot, turn off the water.
4 Once the potatoes have softened, add the clams were without sand.
5 The mouth of the clam that opens, adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper added to the milk.
6 Added (solved using the same amount of water)cornstarch , add thickness.
7 Finally, add the butter.
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