料理名:オクラ 春雨 スープ
オクラ / 10本
玉ねぎ / 1個
緑豆春雨 / 40g
卵 / 1個
鶏がらスープ / 4カップ
塩コショウ / 少々
ごま油・ごま / お好み
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Ingredients (4 servings)
10 okra
1 onion
40g bean-starch vermicelli
1 egg
4 cups chicken stock
Salt and pepper
Sesame sesame oil
1 Add the sliced onion in chicken stock.
When the onions become translucent, put the vermicelli was cut in half.
2 Once the vermicelli becomes soft, then put the sliced okra.
After boiling, insert and turn the egg.
3 Finally, add salt and pepper to taste.
Add the sesame oil in the taste.
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