料理名:チキン南蛮 らっきょうのタルタル
鶏むね肉 / 2枚
小麦粉 / 大2
片栗粉 / 大2
塩コショウ / 少々
油 / 適量
☆醤油 / 大2
☆砂糖 / 大3
☆酢 / 大3
☆唐辛子 / 1/2本
★マヨネーズ / 大4
★らっきょう / 小粒5個位
★ゆでたまご / 1個
★パセリ / お好みで
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Ingredients (2 servings)
2 chicken breast
2 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons potato starch
Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons soy sauce
3 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons vinegar
1/2 red pepper
4 tablespoons mayonnaise
Five pickled shallots
One boiled egg
1 Cut to a thickness of 1 to 1.5 cm in the chicken breast meat, and salt and pepper.
2 Put sliced breast meat and put the potato starch flour, put glare.
3 Spread the oil in a frying pan, cook chicken browned on both sides.
Mix soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, red pepper and place.
4 (Tartar sauce)
Boiled eggs and chopped pickled shallots to, the parsley.
Mixed with mayonnaise, add salt and pepper to taste.
5 Put the tartar sauce on chicken
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