なす / 1本
トマト / 1個
春雨 / 10g
きゅうり / 1/2本
A酢 / 小さじ2
Aレモン汁 / 小さじ1
Aしょうゆ / 小さじ1
Aみりん / 小さじ1
A塩・胡椒 / 少々
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Ingredients (2 servings)
1 eggplant
One tomato
10g vermicelli
1/2 cucumber
2 tsp vinegar
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 tsp mirin
Salt and pepper
1 Eggplant, turn off the skin 3 cm long each, to about 4 mm wide, steam or boil.
2 Shredded cucumber, tomatoes cut into dice.
Vermicelli is back in hot water, cut into bite-size.
3 After eggplant cools, put the ball all the ingredients.
Mix well put vinegar, lemon juice, soy sauce, mirin, salt and pepper.
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