手羽先 / 8本
塩・こしょう / 各少量
オリーブ油(下味用) / 大さじ1
しょうが / 50g
キャベツ / 400g
かぶ / 2個
新じゃがいも / 2個
にんじん / 1本
水 / 6カップ
塩・粗挽き黒こしょう / 各適量
オリーブ油(炒め用) / 少量
Ingredients (4 servings)
8 chicken wings
Each small amounts of salt and pepper
Olive oil (for seasoned) 1 tbsp.
50g ginger
400g cabbage
2 turnips
2 new potatoes
1 carrot
6 cups water
Appropriate amount of salt
Coarse ground black pepper qs
Olive oil (for stir-fried) small amounts
1 Salt and pepper chicken wings pretended, grated ginger (10g minutes from the amount), put a dent seasoned olive oil rub. The rest of the shredded ginger.
2 Cut the cabbage in a large comb, and the lower Quarter, new potatoes, large carrots cut coarsely. Fry in olive oil until they smell the ginger
3 Grilled chicken wings on both sides put 2, the addition of water, boil over high heat After taking action, new potatoes and cook over medium heat about 10 minutes by adding carrots weak.
4 Cabbage, turnips and added a lid and cook about 8 minutes more. Salt and coarse ground black pepper to taste.
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