[材料 4人分]
鶏肉(ササミ) 100g、車海老 4尾、しいたけ 2枚、ぎんなん 8個、三つ葉、卵 3個、だし汁 3カップ、A(みりん 12g、塩 3g、しょうゆ 18g)
"Cup steamed egg custard"
INGREDIENTS (4 servings)
Chicken tenders 100g, 4 prawns, 2 mushrooms, 8 ginkgo nuts, mitsuba, 3eggs, 3 stock cups, and A (mirin 12g, salt 3g, and soy sauce 18g)
1.The stock is boiled, A is added to the pan, each pan is applied to the bowl that puts the ice water, and rough heat is taken.
2.It breaks an egg and beat it lightly a bowl, the stock is added, and it exceeds it by the strainer.
3.Chicken, the lobster, the mushroom, and the ginkgo nuts cut in the container are put, and the egg mixture is poured.
4.It steams until the surface whitens by the high heat in the steamer.
5.In addition, it steams by the low flame for 15 minutes.
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