[材料 4人分]
豚もも肉 320g、えのきだけ 2パック、万能ねぎ 12本、塩、酒、小麦粉、サラダ油、しょうゆ 18g、みりん 18g
"Enoki mushroom rolling of pork"
INGREDIENTS (4 servings)
Pork 320g, 2 enoki mushroom packing, and 12 chive, salt, sake, flour, salad oil, and soy sauce 18g and mirin 18g
1.Pork is expanded, the salt and sake are shaken a little, it makes to enoki mushroom and a chive wick, it rolls, and flour is sprinkled thinly.
2.It burns while heating the salad oil, and rolling meat in the frying-pan.
3.Please throw away the combustion oil, and input sentences that translate into here add the soy sauce and the mirin.