うどん / 2玉
*水 / 600cc
*醤油(濃口) / 大3
*醤油(薄口) / 大3
*酒 / 大3
●片栗粉・水(とろみ付け) / 各大2
◇しめじ / 1/2株
◇人参 / 1/4本
◇卵 / 2個
生姜 / 適量
◇絹豆腐(250g) / 1丁
出汁の素(お好みのもの) / 適量
Ingredients (serves 2)
Two udon noodles
Water 600cc
Heavy Soy sauce 3 tbsp
Thin Soy sauce 3 tbsp
Sake 3 tablespoons
Potato starch 2 tablespoons
Shimeji mashrooms 1 / 2
carrot 1 / 4
2 eggs
Appropriate amount of ginger
250g silken tofu
Instant bouillon qs
1 Keep the tofu cut into bite-size carrots shimeji mashrooms.
Keep wholesale ginger.
Boil noodles.
2 Instant bouillon to boil water and put in a pot.
Shimeji mashrooms, tofu, boil carrots added.
3 Heavy soy sauce, Thin soy sauce, add sake, thickened with starch beaten with water to give. Thickened arrive, complete it by boiling selenium added to the egg.
4 Put the noodles, turn to put out.
Finally finished to put lots of ginger.
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