春菊 / 1/2袋
白ネギ / 1/2本
水 / 150cc
小麦粉 / 大さじ1
コンソメ / 1個
豆乳 / 300cc
塩 / 小さじ1/2
胡椒 / 適宜
Ingredients (serves 2)
Bag 1 / 2 garland chrysanthemum
Green onion 1 / 2
Wed 150cc
1 tablespoon flour
Each one consomme
300cc soy milk
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 Cutting into chunks green onions and a garland chrysanthemum.
2 minutes in microwave heating.
2 The mixer crown daisy, green onions, water, broth, and stir into the flour until smooth.
3 Transfer the pan, add the warm soy milk.
Republish Splice Cancel stir with a spatula from time to time, such as bottom over low heat.
soy milk, please be careful to separate and boil it.
♪ finished thickened arrive
※ Onion instead of green onions, soy milk instead of cow's milk is also good.
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