豆腐 / 1丁
生クリーム / 200cc
牛乳 / 300cc
固形コンソメ / 1個
水 / 100cc
玉葱 / 1個
塩 / 適量
コショー / 適量
パセリのみじん切り(または万能葱) / 適量
シルクヱビス オリジナルレシピコンテスト 「ディナーで食べてみたい白いレシピ」参加中
Ingredients (serves 4)
Tofu 1 Chome
Fresh cream 200cc
Milk 300cc
One solid piece consomme
Wed 100cc
1 onion
Appropriate amount of salt
Appropriate amount of pepper
Appropriate amount of chopped parsley
1 Dissolve the broth through fire and water pan.
2 Loosened by hand tofu, milk, fresh cream in blender.
3 Boil in a pan with hot water and cut into appropriate size onion (should become soft).
1 and 2 into the mixer. Salt and pepper to taste furnished, even mix.
4 Serve instruments, decorated with parsley, voila!
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