白菜 / 4枚
アスパラガス / 1/2把
サラダ油 / 大匙1
粉末和風だし / 小匙1
酒 / 大匙3
塩胡椒 / 少々
Ingredients (serves 4)
Four Chinese cabbage
Bunch asparagus 1 / 2
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon bonito dashi stock
3 tablespoons sake
A little salt and pepper
1 Cut cabbage in width 4cm. Cut asparagus into 4cm wide by Peeler Peel the roots cut off.
2 Heat oil into a frying pan. Saute the cabbage and asparagus.
Wine and braised in a covered soup powder added.
3 Grater from heat and serve to prepare the broth becomes low season with salt and pepper.
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