ピーマン / 2個
○鶏ミンチ / 100g
○玉ねぎ / 1/4個
○とき玉子 / 大さじ2
○塩・こしょう / 少々
○パン粉 / 大さじ2
片栗粉 / 適宜
サラダ油 / 小さじ2
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Ingredients (1 servings)
Two green peppers
100g chicken mince
Onion 1/4
Egg 2 tablespoons
Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons bread crumbs
Potato starch
Salad oil 2 tsp
1 I cut in half peppers. I take a peek calyx and seeds. I dusted the potato starch.
Chopped onion.
2 Put mince, onion, egg, salt, pepper, bread crumbs into a ball, knead by hand.
I pack it in green peppers.
3 Heat over medium heat salad oil in frying pan, and bake in terms of meat.
5 minutes baked, bake 4 minutes inside out over medium heat.
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