長ネギ / 2本
キャベツ / 3枚
生姜のみじん切り / 大さじ1
水 / 6cup
鶏がらスープの素 / 大さじ1
酒 / 50cc
塩 / 小さじ1/2
醤油 / 小さじ2
黒胡椒 / 適量
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Ingredients (4~6servings)
Two green onion
3 pieces of cabbage
Ginger (chopped) 1 tablespoon
Water 6cup
Chicken stock 1 tablespoon
Liquor 50cc
Salt 1/2 tsp
2 teaspoons soy sauce
Black pepper
1 The diagonal cut green onion, cabbage to chopped.
I put the pot green onion, cabbage, ginger, and water.
2 After boiling, and cook to put chicken stock, rice wine, salt.
3 I put soy sauce at the end.
Grind black pepper to have the vessel.
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