椎茸(大きめ) / 2個
蓮根 / 約5cm
長ネギ / 約5cm
生姜 / 少々
片栗粉 / 小1
塩・こしょう / 少々
油 / 適宜
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Ingredients (1 servings)
Shiitake mushroom (larger) two
5cm lotus root
Leek 5cm
1 teaspoon potato starch
Salt and pepper
1 Shiitake mushroom takes stone.
The lotus root is grated, squeezed lightly.
The ginger and green onion, finely chopped.
2 Salt and pepper and add the potato starch in green onions and ginger and lotus root.
I mix well.
I stuffed shiitake mushroom.
3 If you lay down on the oil in a frying pan, not stuffed with ingredients,
Bake thoroughly on low heat with a lid (10-12 minutes)
4 If I want to give a brown on the surface
As it is placed in an oven toaster.