鶏胸肉 / 200g
スライスニンニク / 1片
玉ねぎ / 1個
*トマト缶 / 半缶
*大豆(水煮) / 大さじ3
*コンソメキューブ / 1個
塩コショウ / 少々
ヨーグルト / 大さじ1
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Ingredients (serves 2)
200g chicken breast
Slice garlic 1 piece
One onion
Half a can of tomato cans
Soybeans (boiled) 3 tbsp
Consomme cube 1 piece
Salt and pepper
1 tablespoon yogurt
1 Cut chicken into bite-size, full salt and pepper.
Also cut into bite-sized onion.
2 Heat oil in a skillet, saute garlic and onions.
Put the chicken, roasted tomatoes arrive in color, soy and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes put the consomme.
Make the yogurt.
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