里芋 / 250g
玉ねぎ(小さめ) / 1/2個
味噌 / 小さじ1
塩、こしょう / 少々
パン粉 / 50g
油 / 大さじ1
Ingredients (serves 2)
250g taro
Onion (small) 1 / 2
1 teaspoon miso
Salt, pepper and a little
50g breadcrumbs
1 tablespoon oil
1 Peel steamed taro until heated through bamboo skewers, roughly crush with a fork.
2 Heat oil in a frying pan put a little bit, fry onion until transparent, put the miso.
3 Mix onions and taro, with a little salt and pepper to taste.
4 Split six small oval type.
5 In the pan, put bread crumbs and 1 tablespoon oil, fry until golden brown.
6 Beaten with the seeds to the flour with water, roll in bread crumbs.
7 How to cook in the toaster oven on.
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