木綿豆腐 / 1丁(300~400g)
★醤油 / 大11/2
★酒 / 大1
★しょうがパウダー(しょうが汁) / 大1
★ガーリックパウダー(なくても) / 適宜
★鶏ガラスープの素 / 大1
★ごま油 / 大1/2
唐揚げ粉 / 適宜
Ingredients (serves 2)
300 ~ 400g tofu
1 1 / 2 tbsp soy sauce ★
1 tablespoon wine ★
Ginger Powder ★ (ginger juice) 1 tbsp.
★ Garlic Powder (without) as appropriate
1 tablespoon Chicken-bone soup powder ★
1 / 2 tbsp sesame oil ★
Fried flour accordingly
1 Thaw the tofu had been frozen range.
Squeeze out excess moisture by pressing the up or down by hand.
Tear or cut by hand into bite-size.
2 Chicken is especially in times the amount of water.
All in a bowl and stir ★.
Put the tofu into it, so getting out to blend the sauce evenly.
3 Such as deep-fried flour lay bat.
Put the tofu sprinkled powder 2, fried in oil.
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