じゃがいも / 100g位
玉葱 / 70g位
バジルの葉 / 5~6枚
胡瓜 / 少々
昆布だし / 100cc
ヨーグルト / 50cc
豆乳 / 150cc
水 / 100cc
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Ingredients (4 servings)
Potatoes 100g
Onion 70g
5-6 pieces of basil leaves
Cucumber konbu dashi stock 100cc
Yogurt 50cc
150cc soy milk
100cc water
1 Onions and potatoes, to put in a microwave steamer.
2 Leaf of basil leave through the boiling water
I want to slice thin cucumber. Shake the salt, it is shredded and squeeze
3 Turn to put soy milk, yogurt, water,konbu dashi stock, potato,onion, basil in mixer
4 Chill in the refrigerator was transferred to a container when it becomes smooth
5 Decorate the strips of cucumber was placed in a vessel