スパゲティー / 100g
青じそ / 8枚
梅干し / 2個
バター / 大さじ1.5
だし醤油 / 小さじ1
あれば刻み海苔 / 適宜
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Ingredients (2~3 servings)
100g spaghetti
8 pieces of green shiso
Two plum
1.5 tablespoons of butter
However soy sauce 1 teaspoon
Shredded nori
1 I begin to boil spaghetti.
2 To turn off half lengthwise, julienne the green shiso. Turn off the moisture firmly from exposure to 2-3 diversion.
Crush finely with the exception of the species pickled plum.
3 The ball, I put butter, plum, soy sauce soup, the blue shiso.
I mix well.
4 Put the noodles boiled, and mix well.
To have on your plate, decorating increments of seaweed, the green shiso.
※ It is easy to mix and to keep back a little soft at room temperature butter.
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