鮭 / 2切れ
白菜 / 1/8株
しめじ / 1パック
玉ねぎ / 小1個
小麦粉(まぶす用) / 大1
バター / 大1
☆牛乳 / 350ml
☆小麦粉 / 大2
コンソメ顆粒 / 小2
塩コショウ / 少々
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>>最短約 30 秒!▼無料▼会員登録<<
Ingredients (2 servings)
Two slices salmon
Share 1/8 Chinese cabbage
1 pack shimeji
One small onion
1 tablespoon flour
1 tablespoon butter
350ml milk
2 tablespoons flour
2 tsp consomme
Salt and pepper
1 Easier to eat off the salmon. Coat with flour and salt and pepper to the salmon.
Bake both sides in a frying pan minus the butter.
2 Saute vegetables in butter.
3 I mix milk and flour.
In addition to the salmon and vegetables.
Cook until it thickens into the consomme flavored granules.
4 Prepare to taste with salt.
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