★中力粉 / 100g
★お湯 / 50g
★塩 / 一つまみ
☆ひき肉 / 50g程
☆キャベツみじん切り / 1枚分
☆玉葱みじん切り / 1/4個分
☆鶏がらスープの素、塩コショウ / 少々
白菜 / 2枚
葱 / 1本
きのこ / 1/3株
菊菜 / 少し
鶏がらスープ / 1L
豆板醤 / 大3程
塩コショウ / 適量
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>>最短約 30 秒!▼無料▼会員登録<<
Ingredients (2 servings) 100g all-purpose flour
50g hot water
pinch of salt
50g minced
One piece chopped cabbage
Pieces 1/4 chopped onion
Chicken soup, salt and pepper
Two Chinese cabbage
One green onion
Share 1/3 of mushroom
Edible chrysanthemum
1L chicken soup
3 tablespoons broad bean chili paste(Chinese seasoning)
Salt and pepper
All Purpose flour knead for 10 minutes, 30 minutes Mesmerize.
Make about 15 pieces of leather.
Minced meat wrapped in what was conceived, cabbage, onions, chicken stock, salt and pepper.
※ shears carved in the kitchen, stretch out to about 8cm in rolling pin.
Boiled in a pot make chicken stock.
Put peanut brittle sauce, add salt and pepper to taste.
Put boiled fried pork dumplings, cabbage, mushrooms, and green onions.
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