人参 / 小2本
タマネギ / 小1個
水 / 200cc
コンソメ / 小さじ2
豆乳 / 150cc
塩/ホワイトペッパー / 適量
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Ingredients (2 servings)
Two carrots
1 onion
Water 200cc
2 teaspoon of consomme
150cc soymilk
White pepper
1 Wash carrot, peel cut in half lengthwise, slice.
Onion is sliced along the fiber.
2 Add onion and cook until soft and carrots in a frying pan.
Add a little salt.
3 Simmer until carrots are tender about 10 minutes by adding 1 teaspoon of consomme and water.
4 Once the carrots are tender, transfer to food processor and process to a paste.
5 Transferred to a pot, warm the addition of soy milk and the rest of consomme.
6 Add salt and pepper.
Cold soup in the refrigerator to cool from taking the heat Oh my goodness!
Even if this remains a warm and delicious ☆