レタス / 1玉
鶏ガラスープ / 1カップ
オイスターソース / 大さじ2
砂糖 / 大さじ2
しょうゆ / 少々
片栗粉 / 大さじ1
ごま油 / 少々
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Ingredients (2~3servings)
Lettuce 1 ball
Chicken soup 1 cup
Oyster sauce 2 tablespoons
Sugar 2 tablespoons
Soy sauce
1 tablespoon potato starch
Sesame oil
1 Large I cut by hand lettuce.
2 In a frying pan, put chicken soup, sugar, oyster sauce, soy sauce. After boiling put the lettuce.
3 Potato starch me solved in water of 2 to 3 tablespoons.
Once the lettuce is wilted, turn over, put a thickened.
4 To finish, we put the sesame oil.