豚バラまたはしゃぶしゃぶ用豚肉 / 300~400g
もやし / 1袋
長ネギ / 1本
レタス / 1玉
鰹だし / 小さじ2
塩 / 小さじ1
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Ingredients (2servings)
300 ~ 400g for shabu - shabu pork or pork
1 bag bean sprouts
One green onion
One lettuce
2 teaspoon bonito dashi stock
1 teaspoon salt
1 In the pan, I put salt and bonito soup. Bring to a boil.
2 I cut the onions thinly.
Put a pot onions and bean sprouts, bring to a boil.
3 I Chigiru in large lettuce.
Add to pot when you eat lettuce and pork.
4 It is not too much boiled lettuce!
You eat it with ponzu and the like.
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