さつまいも(1本くらい) / 200g
粒マスタード / 小さじ2
マヨネーズ / 大さじ1
ヨーグルトまたは牛乳 / 小さじ1
塩 / 少々
ブラックペッパー(お好みで) / 少々
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Ingredients (2~3servings)
200g sweet potato
Grain mustard 2 tsp
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
1 teaspoon milk or yogurt
Black Pepper
1 Cut into bite-sized pieces, steaming sweet potatoes.
Or heated in a range with a lap left with the skin.
I cut into bite-sized pieces peeled. Or I break with a fork, etc..
2 I mix in a bowl with seasoning and sweet potato.
I fix the taste with salt and pepper.
※ If you want to refrain from further calories, increase the yogurt by reducing the mayonnaise. I put a little consomme.