白菜 / 4~5枚
かぶ / 中1個
ベーコン / 2枚
固形コンソメ / 1個
水 / 200cc
牛乳 / 400cc
小麦粉(薄力粉) / 大さじ2
水 / 大さじ3
かぶの葉 / 10cm分
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Ingredients (4servings)
Chinese cabbage 4-5 sheets
Turnip one
So that it is not scorched 2 strips of bacon, while stirring the pan bottom, and cook for a few minutes.
Were placed in a vessel, and put to decorate leaves strain of (1) in the center.
Consomme one
Water 200cc
Milk 400cc
Flour 2 tablespoons
Water 3 tablespoons
Leaves of turnip
1 Leaves fogged and exposed to water is boiled.
I Koguchikiri of about 7mm width. I squeeze the moisture.
2 I solve the flour with water 3 tablespoons. (I mix firmly)
3 Chinese cabbage I cut into bite-sized pieces.
Turnip I dice of about 1.5cm angle.
4 In a pot, put the cabbage, turnip, consomme, water and milk (200cc), and cook with the lid over medium heat.
5 Once boiling, add the bacon that was in a strip cut.
Low heat I simmer 10 minutes.
6 The rest of the milk was added, and the mixture was heat to medium, and bring to a boil.
Stir while adding little by little the Mizutoki flour.
7 The charred not like, while stirring the pan bottom, and cook for a few minutes.
Were placed in a bowl, and put to decorate the leaves of turnips in the center.