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Ingredients (2servings)
Pumpkin quarter
3 strips of bacon
Onion 1/6
Salt and pepper
Flour, eggs, bread crumbs
1 Pumpkin to remove the seeds and cotton. The peeled, cut into bite-size.
It is heated for about 5 minutes until tender in range. I crush while hot.
2 I Chop bacon-onion.
To melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the bacon-onion.
3 Mix pumpkin, bacon, onions, adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper.
The shaped to round, dredge in flour, eggs, bread crumbs.
4 The formula oil in a frying pan, and bake to roll the whole until golden brown.
Fire because through already in when you bake, ♪ is OK Once golden brown