生鮭のあら / 300g
大根 / 1/2本
にんじん / 1本
さといも(冷凍) / 5個
ささがきごぼう(水煮) / 150g
味噌 / 大さじ3
塩 / 小さじ1
しょうゆ / 小さじ1
しょうが / 1片
青ねぎ / 適量
水 / 1500CC
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Ingredients (4~6servings)
300g the bony parts of a salmon
1 /2 radish
1 carrot
5 taro
Burdock 150g
3 tablespoons miso
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 piece ginger
Green onions
Water 1500CC
1 Radish, carrot ginkgo cut.
The salmon, I passed through a boiling water. I will wash well.
2 Bring to a boil and put ginger and water in a pot.
Simmer and put the salmon and vegetables. Vegetables becomes soft, I put a taste in soy sauce and miso. And adjust the seasoning with salt at the end.
3 The Serve in bowl, and add the green onions.
※ Please wash well through the hot water always to take the smell.