スパゲテイ / 50g
トマト / 1/2個
アボカド / 1/2個
きゅうり / 1/2個
ウインナ / 4~5本
青シソ / 2枚
フレンチドレッシング / 大さじ1~2
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Ingredients (1 servings)
50g spaghetti
1/2 tomato
1/2 avocado
1/2 cucumber
4 or 5 sausage
Two green perilla
1 to 2 tablespoons French dressing
1 Boiled spaghetti is about 20 seconds long, cool exposed to running water.
2 Cut cucumber, tomato, green perilla, a sausage (burn), add to spaghetti.
3 French dressing over and mix well the whole.
4 Cut into dice of about 1 cm in the avocado, sprinkle.