絹ごし豆腐 / 1丁
豚肉(豚バラや牛肉でも / 150g
ごぼう / 20cmくらい
玉ねぎ / 1/2個
●だし / 1カップ
●酒 / 大1
●醤油 / 大2
●みりん / 大1
●砂糖 / 大1.5
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Ingredients (serves 2)
Pair of silken tofu
Pork (pork belly or beef) 150g
Burdock 20cm
1 / 2 onion
1 cup of stock
1 tablespoon sake
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon mirin
1.5 tbsp sugar
1 Cut pork into about 5cm.
Chop the burdock into thin strips.
Cut onion in width 1cm.
2 Soup in a pot, sake, soy sauce, mirin, sugar put, after boiling,
Pork, burdock, put the onion and put in hand with tofu break.
3 Once boiling, simmer over low heat 10 minutes.